woensdag, oktober 16, 2024
Craft assignments

Santa Hat

Santa hat, a fun craft assignment.

When that the end of the year is approaching, it’s time for some Christmas crafts.
It’s always fun to make something with the children that they can hang in the Christmas tree at home. Often such a creation comes back every year. In this way, children sometimes think back to a certain period at school. (Oh yes, I made that with teacher ….., or then I was in the group with ….)
How fun it was, or how cozy. Making this Santa hat together, with cozy Christmas songs in the background.

The supplies.

For this assignment you will need toilet rolls, a ruler and scissors.
Some balls of colored wool or cotton.
Nice fluffy acrylic wool gives the best result.

Get started.

Have the children cut threads of 30 cm long. Longer is no problem, shorter is not practical.
Cut a piece of toilet roll 2.5 cm wide.


Use a 30 cm wire to make a loop as shown in the following photo.

Santa Hat


The two ends of this loop go through the toilet roll and through the closed loop of the wire. As shown in the following photo.

Santa Hat


This way, a new thread is placed next to it each time until the children have gone all the way around.

Do not pull the threads too tight so that the shape of the cardboard ring is not changed.

Then you push the loose wires through the inside of the ring to the other side.

With a loose wire of 40 cm long they tie these wires together and knot it well twice.

The long thread is then knotted together again at a longer length.
This way, the Santa hat can be easily hung in the Christmas tree or somewhere else.

The “Toefje” on the Santa hat can be trimmed a bit so that all the threads are approximately the same length.


This craft assignment is good for 1 lesson. Some handy children can even make two.
In the photos you see the Santa hat made in one color, but of course you can also use more or other colors!

Have fun crafting.

This text is a google translate translation of a Dutch page

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