woensdag, oktober 23, 2024

Privacy Policy

Privacy statement Vanjufmarjan

As of May 1, 2018, it is mandatory as a blogger to post a privacy statement on your blog in order to comply with the European Privacy Act. The blog english.vanjufmarjan aims to respect the personal data of readers. In the statement below I will let you know how the blog english.vanjufmarjan does this.

Contact details english.vanjufmarjan

Do you want to get in touch with me? You can do this through the contact page or by leaving a comment on an article on english.vanjufmarjan.nl

Processing personal data

The blog Vanjufmarjan receives personal data from readers through:

Google Analytics

With the statistics program Google Analytics I can see, among other things, how many readers visit my site, where they come from and which articles they read. I use this information to map the visiting and clicking behavior on Vanjufmarjan. With this information I can further optimize my website. I do not see any personal data here. Google Analytics obtains the information through your IP address. The service has not received permission from me to share your data with third parties.

More information about Google Analytics can be found here.

Leave comments under an article

Under articles on www.english.vanjufmarjan.nl there is the possibility to post a comment. When leaving a comment, your IP address will be visible to me. You also have the option to show your name, website and email address when responding. This information will be made available to all readers of the article and will remain online. When responding to an article, however, every reader also has the option of leaving a comment anonymously. In that case, no personal data will be visible to other readers.

Storage of personal data

Visitors under 16 years old.
english.vanjufmarjan.nl does not intend to collect data from website visitors under the age of 16, unless they have permission from their parents or guardian. However, it is not possible for me to check whether a visitor is older than 16 years. If you think that personal data has been collected from someone under the age of 16 without permission, please contact me via the contact page and I can delete the information.

Retention period

english.vanjufmarjan.nl stores your personal data for a period of 1 year. Comments under articles remain online for the duration of the article placement.

View, modify or delete data

When you visit english.vanjufmarjan.nl , you give permission to process your data. However, you have the right to view, correct or delete your personal data. In addition, you have the right to withdraw your consent to the data processing or to object to the processing of your personal data by english.vanjufmarjan.

You can request access, correction, deletion or transfer of your personal data or request to withdraw your consent or objection to the processing of your personal data via the contact page.


A cookie is a small file that is sent by this website and placed on the hard drive of your computer by your browser. The information stored in the cookie can be sent back to this website when you visit the website again.

Google Analytics

Vanjufmarjan places cookies from Google. I do this to see how visitors use the website. Google will only share the information obtained with third parties if they are legally obliged to do so or insofar as third parties process the information on behalf of Google. To protect your privacy as much as possible, I have concluded a processing agreement with Google and I have disabled “data sharing”. I have also anonymized the IP address in the Google Analytics code. Google is an American company and stores the information it collects on American servers.

Social media buttons

There are social media buttons on www.vanjufmarjan.nl. These buttons allow you to share articles on a social media platform. Most social media channels work with cookies. I have no influence on how they place the cookies. Read the privacy statements of the relevant social media channels to find out what they do with the collected information.

Disable and delete cookies

You can disable and delete cookies through your browser settings. You can find out how to do this in the help function of your browser.

More information?

Do you want more information about the privacy law? You can obtain more information about this on the Authority Data website.

This privacy statement has been drawn up with the greatest possible care. If you still see a reason for an addition, I would like to receive it via the contact page.