woensdag, oktober 23, 2024

Conditions of use of materials.


The materials on this site that you can download for free are intended for use in the home, schools, nurseries, and after-school care.

You may not copy these materials without the permission of Miss Marjan and use them for your own commercial purposes via your own internet site or physical sale.

We work hard to create these materials for this site and do not use materials from others without first obtaining permission or purchasing them.

The conditions of use.

This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

The user may:

copy the work for your own use in the classroom, at home or during after-school care.

Under the following conditions:

  • Attribution — The user must credit the work with the name provided by the creator or licensor (but not in such a way as to give the impression that they agree with your work or your use of the work).
  • Noncommercial — The user may not use the work for any commercial purpose.
  • No Derivative Works — The user may not edit the work.

Make a link to english.vanjufmarjan.nl

Do you have your own website or link page (such as Yurls) and would you like to refer to teaching materials from english.vanjufmarjan.nl?

This link must not be direct to a PDF file.
This is seen as a form of hot linking/deep linking. From a legal point of view, hotlinking can even be punishable by law, it is a form of republication and thus violates copyright. Read more about this at http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hotlinken.

Linking to the page where the PDF file is offered is allowed.

If you have any questions about the above information, you can always contact me via the contact form on the site.