woensdag, oktober 16, 2024
Number boxOther math

Lego brick counting detective

Lego is a material that children love to play with. You can build with it, but you can do much more with it.
With the Lego brick counting detective, children count and sort by color.

There are assignments on 20 different assignment cards.
The text must be read and then the aim is to place the right combination of Lego bricks by thinking logically and counting well.

Lego brick counting detective

The assignments vary from easy to quite challenging assignments.

An example of an assignment is:
You have 5 Lego bricks in four different colors.
The number of red, blue and yellow is the same.
Which Lego bricks do you have?


The children then put down the Lego bricks and can look at the back of the card to see if they have done it correctly. Also very nice for younger children, but these children will need help reading the assignments.
Here you could possibly make a combination with a child from a higher group who has already mastered reading.

Lego brick counting detective

The preparation:

For Lego bricks teldetective, as the title suggests, you need Lego bricks with four studs (2×2) in the colors blue, yellow, green and red.
But it can also be done without real Lego bricks because an A4 page has been added to the file with pictures of Lego bricks in the four colors that are needed.
You could also cut these out and laminate them.

The file also contains the 20 assignment cards and the solutions.
You can print these out and attach the solutions to the back of the assignment cards (laminate them together if necessary).

Do not use paper that is too thin when you laminate the questions and answers against each other, because then the answer may be visible when the question side is facing up on the table.

Lego brick counting detective

The file:

Lego brick counting detective
Lego brick counting detective

This text is a google translate translation of a Dutch page

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