zaterdag, juli 27, 2024
Fractions and decimals

Secret code, fractions

Practice fractions using a secret code.

Calculating with fractions can be quite difficult.
Making numerators, denominators, names the same, if students are not careful they can get dizzy.
An important factor with fractions is that they understand what a fraction is and how they are put together.
Especially for students who are visually oriented, using “pictures” and “shapes” is a great way to get them to use fractions.
But for all students, this secret code of fractions is of course an excellent way to learn to understand and remember fractions.


Multiple versions.

There are several variants available for download.

First there is a PDF file with three different fraction code cards and three secret codes to unravel.

Secondly, there is a PDF with three more fraction code cards and three different sentences.
These sentences must therefore be converted into fraction codes.

An answer sheet is included with both PDFs.

Finally, there is a separate PDF with only a fraction code card.
This allows the students to work with words that are currently being discussed, or simply send fun secret messages to each other.


The files:

Secret code fractions – Code and secret sentences
Secret code fractions – Code and secret sentences
Secret code fractions – Coded dentences
Secret code fractions – Coded dentences
Secret code fractions – Code card
Secret code fractions – Code card

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