zaterdag, juli 27, 2024
Other mathScience

Calculating area and perimeter game.

Calculating area and perimeter gameHow do you add a fun factor to calculating the area and perimeter? Make it a puzzle game I thought.
A math and find the answer game where students learn to count in a playful way after understanding the area or perimeter.
Handy for students who need to practice a little more or if they need more of a challenge because the regular teaching material is not sufficient.

Goal of the game.

The premise is the same for both puzzles.
At the top of the A4 is a grid field with all numbers.

Below that are a number of squares and rectangles whose area or perimeter must be calculated.
As soon as the students have an answer to one of the questions, they can search for this answer on the number grid.
For each sum it is stated with which color the answer should be colored.
So in addition to these puzzles, they also need colored pencils.
Once they have calculated and colored all the answers, they can check the puzzle with the supplied answer sheets.

Calculating area and perimeter game

The PDF file.

The PDF file contains two A4 pages with the puzzles. One with perimeter questions and one with area questions.
In addition, there are two A4 sheets with the answers clearly indicated in the color puzzle and the corresponding answers in numbers.

The file :

Area and perimeter calculation game.
Area and perimeter calculation game.

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