zaterdag, juli 27, 2024
Craft assignments

Old Dutch facades with fineliner and watercolor.

Drawing houses with old Dutch facades with fineliner and watercolor is a very fun assignment that you can do from group 4 onwards. In combination with a lesson about the different facades that used to be there, this is a lot of fun.

You can show the facades on the digital board with images that you can easily find via Google. Name the different stepped gables, such as the stepped gable, neck gable, bell gable, frame gable and spout gable.
On the site you will find beautiful examples of the facades. You also mention that the houses were long and narrow.
The facades contained many not very large windows in different layouts.

Dutch facades

The assignment:

The children are now instructed to draw at least 4 canal houses on the drawing paper. These buildings are next to each other, against each other. You draw a lot of windows in this. Draw as much paper as possible, but not completely against the top and bottom. It is drawn with a fineliner, freehand. So no ruler there.

Once they have this, they will color the houses with watercolor. The windows and doors remain white. For me they had to work with three colors, but you can of course adjust this. It is important that a lot of water is used. If you work with watercolor too dry, the effect is lost. Children find this quite difficult, but the result is very beautiful

Dutch facades


Then let it dry thoroughly. You can then have the buildings cut out and glued onto colored paper, but this is not necessary. It just depends on what you like, or what the children want.

Dutch facades

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