
Lego Sudoku 2

As the number indicates, this Lego Sudoku 2 is the second Sudoku that uses real Lego bricks instead of numbers.
The Sudoku’s are slightly more difficult than the first version. Instead of four different colors we now use six different colors.

Lego Sudoku 2

lego bricks

Although it is of course the most fun to make these Sudokus with real Lego bricks, it is also possible to use paper bricks.
The second download file contains the stones that you can cut out, laminate, and use endlessly.
But as we said before, using real stones is much more fun.
And these really don’t all have to be 2×2 stones. Other shapes are fine too, as long as they have the right colors.

Lego Sudoku 2

What is in the file Lego Sudoku 2?

As usual, there are four worksheets in this Lego Sudoku 2 that go from easy (A) to slightly more difficult (D).
In addition, there are four answer sheets in the download with which your students can check their work themselves.

The files:

Lego Sudoku 2 – English
Lego Sudoku 2 – English
Lego Sudoku – Cutout sheet 2 – English
Lego Sudoku – Cutout sheet 2 – English

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