dinsdag, september 10, 2024
Self box

Choice box – My user manual

With the My user manual assignment you let your students take a good look at themselves. And by that we mean their inner self, not what they look like on the outside.
In this way you give your students a self-image.
Because what do they actually like?
What should you never do around them?
And help me if I?

All these questions together create a beautiful self-image.

And if you use this assignment quite early in the year, you as a teacher will also get a good picture of your students.

This is always useful to know for the rest of the year.

Which student will be happy with what, or can she be easily angered?
How can you comfort a student when he or she is sad?

My user manual

What’s in this download

The My user manual file has two pages. The first contains the work card with the questionnaire that your students can complete.
The second page is the assignment card that accompanies it for your Choice box.

The file

Choice box – My user manual
Choice box – My user manual

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