Professions portray game
Professions, which ones are there?
Professions portray game. This theme always topical. Which professions are there?
How many can you name?
And what does such a profession entail? What does a carpenter or a doctor do?
Professions portray game
A nice interactive way to discover with your students what a profession entails, and how much knowledge there is about professions can be very fun with this portrayal game.
In this way you combine movement and drama, working together in a group and sharing knowledge about a certain subject with each other.
The game.
Two A4 sheets have been made with cards that are free to download and use.
There are 18 professions in total on each A4 sheet, so 36.
But because not all professions can be depicted for the younger students, it is also divided into two parts.
The first 18 cards are the more famous professions. Think of a construction worker, car mechanic, model or painter.
The next 18 cards are a bit less known or at least require a little more from the students to portray them, because how do you show your class that you are a referee or an optician?
Real challenges for your students.
This game can therefore be played as a class, but can also be played in the selection box so that two students can get started with it.
In class you can, for example, have a student come forward who draws a card blind and then has to portray this profession to the class.
The class then has to guess which profession is shown.
Also as a choice box, two students can show each other a profession and the other has to guess what is shown.
For example, whoever has guessed the most professions correctly has the most points.
But of course you can fill that in yourself.