dinsdag, september 10, 2024
Math games

Math dice game – multiplication.

With this math dice game – multiplication, students can practice multiplication.

Rekendobbel - vermenigvuldigenAfter Math dice game – aditions of course, the version with the multiplication of dice could not be missed.

In total they have become four separate sheets, namely the multiply of 2.5 and 10, the 3 and 4, the 6 and 7 and finally the multiply of 8 and 9.

The game and the explanation.

The game is the same in all variants. You can play the game with 2 or more players.


What do you need:

1. the playing field
2. a dice
3. chips (a different color for each player)
4. pawns (again a different color for each player)

The players start on the starting square, the game is played in the direction of the arrow.
Decide who gets to start first. This player rolls the dice and advances the number of the die on the playing field.
If he arrives at a sum, he calculates it and, if the answer is correct, he may place a chip in his color in the middle of the correct answer.
Then it is the next player’s turn, and does exactly the same.
If you land on a square with a picture, you don’t have to count, but you can place a chip of your color on any random answer.

If you land on a square with a sum of which the answer is no longer visible, you are unlucky and your turn is over. The game is over when all the answers in the middle are covered (this can mean that you pass several times as well). Because this can take quite a long time, you can also agree a certain time with the children that the game will be played.

The player with the most chips on the answers wins the game.

The file:

Math dice game – multiplication.
Math dice game – multiplication.

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